Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum dignissim bibendum leo at rhoncus. Nulla facilisi. Duis tortor sapien, tempor in nunc ultrices, consequat semper tellus. Fusce nec diam lectus.
In bibendum odio et ipsum semper, eget faucibus enim accumsan. Pellentesque mattis dui sodales tempor aliquet. Donec gravida molestie justo id ornare. Maecenas porta quis lacus id euismod. Nam placerat imperdiet pellentesque.
Nam sagittis iaculis semper. Nam nec diam vel purus venenatis laoreet ac a nisi. Pellentesque iaculis, tellus quis suscipit malesuada, purus ligula suscipit augue, quis hendrerit nisi mi ut erat. Quisque vitae interdum turpis. Morbi commodo, diam non venenatis rhoncus, quam eros laoreet lacus, eu varius tortor neque sed nunc. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum vehicula ligula sit amet cursus laoreet. Morbi lacinia massa eu leo ornare, sed rhoncus sapien faucibus.
Flow Cytometry / Immunophenotyping
Flow cytometry permits reliable analysis of cell phenotypes and is a workhorse technique in immunology, haematology, research and clinical diagnosis.
Cell-permeant DNA dyes can be used to discriminate nucleated from anucleated cells reducing the need for time-consuming and potentially damaging RBC lysis reagents, which can be important for precious or small samples.
Further, stoichiometric DNA labeling can further provide information on cell cycle status, ploidy and proliferation (S-phase fraction) without permeabilization or RNase treatment.
Clinical samples often need a viability dye to evaluate sample integrity on analysis.
Related BioStatus Products for Flow Cytometry / Immunophenotyping
Proven far-red, cell-permeant dye for DNA content and nucleated cell gating.
Proven far-red, cell-permeant dye for DNA content and nucleated cell gating.
Proven far-red, cell-permeant dye for DNA content and nucleated cell gating.
Microplate/Slide-Based Cytometry
Flow cytometry permits reliable analysis of cell phenotypes and is a workhorse technique in immunology, haematology, research and clinical diagnosis.
Cell-permeant DNA dyes can be used to discriminate nucleated from anucleated cells reducing the need for time-consuming and potentially damaging RBC lysis reagents, which can be important for precious or small samples.
Further, stoichiometric DNA labeling can further provide information on cell cycle status, ploidy and proliferation (S-phase fraction) without permeabilization or RNase treatment.
Clinical samples often need a viability dye to evaluate sample integrity on analysis.
Related BioStatus Products for Flow Cytometry / Immunophenotyping
Proven far-red, cell-permeant dye for DNA content and nucleated cell gating.
Proven far-red, cell-permeant dye for DNA content and nucleated cell gating.
Proven far-red, cell-permeant dye for DNA content and nucleated cell gating.
Imaging Flow Cytometry
Flow cytometry permits reliable analysis of cell phenotypes and is a workhorse technique in immunology, haematology, research and clinical diagnosis.
Cell-permeant DNA dyes can be used to discriminate nucleated from anucleated cells reducing the need for time-consuming and potentially damaging RBC lysis reagents, which can be important for precious or small samples.
Further, stoichiometric DNA labeling can further provide information on cell cycle status, ploidy and proliferation (S-phase fraction) without permeabilization or RNase treatment.
Clinical samples often need a viability dye to evaluate sample integrity on analysis.
Related BioStatus Products for Flow Cytometry / Immunophenotyping
Proven far-red, cell-permeant dye for DNA content and nucleated cell gating.
Proven far-red, cell-permeant dye for DNA content and nucleated cell gating.
Proven far-red, cell-permeant dye for DNA content and nucleated cell gating.
Cell Cycle Analysis
Flow cytometry permits reliable analysis of cell phenotypes and is a workhorse technique in immunology, haematology, research and clinical diagnosis.
Cell-permeant DNA dyes can be used to discriminate nucleated from anucleated cells reducing the need for time-consuming and potentially damaging RBC lysis reagents, which can be important for precious or small samples.
Further, stoichiometric DNA labeling can further provide information on cell cycle status, ploidy and proliferation (S-phase fraction) without permeabilization or RNase treatment.
Clinical samples often need a viability dye to evaluate sample integrity on analysis.
Related BioStatus Products for Flow Cytometry / Immunophenotyping
Proven far-red, cell-permeant dye for DNA content and nucleated cell gating.
Proven far-red, cell-permeant dye for DNA content and nucleated cell gating.
Proven far-red, cell-permeant dye for DNA content and nucleated cell gating.