Our technologies are widely used in imaging, flow cytometry and screening applications - using a variety of organisms, tissues and cells. Click on the different objects below to find out how our products can help you accelerate, expand and simplify your research:
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Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting
Flow Cytometry
The scatter plot shows a whole human bone marrow sample stained with DRAQ5™ (purple). DRAQ5™ can be added directly to the sample without the need to lyse red blood cells (RBC's), greatly simplifying the procedure and ensuring the integrity of the sample.
DRAQ5™ has been used in this application for over a decade. You will find hundreds of independent references citing DRAQ5™'s "no-lyse no-wash" advantages in the scientific literature.
Live Cell Imaging
The image shows a live Drosophila embryo stained with DRAQ5™ (blue). DRAQ5™ is simply added directly to the sample prior to imaging.
DRAQ5™ will penetrate the membranes of most plant and animal cells. It does struggle to get into some fungi and bacterial cells, but will enter a large number with little difficulty. When DRAQ5™ enters a cell, it will bind irreversibly to dsDNA in the nucleus. For this reason, it cannot be used for long-term analysis of live cell preparations.
Dual Compartment Imaging
The image shows a heat map of cells stained with CyTRAK Orange™.
CyTRAK Orange™ is a novel fluorescent dye that preferentially stains the nucleus, but also defines the cytoplasmic area in both LIVE and fixed preparations. This dual compartment label provides rapid, one-step cell feature discrimination, creating new opportunities for cell-based assays where the cell location, cell perimeter, cell shape and cell spread parameters define the assay at the single cell level.
High Content Screening
The image shows fixed U2OS cells stained with DRAQ5™. DRAQ5™ allows simple nuclear and cytoplasmic segmentation.
DRAQ5™ delivers clear nuclear counterstaining in live or fixed cells for ease of transfer from assay development to high-throughput and for live endpoint assays when fixation is inappropriate.
Cell Health & Apoptosis
The images show cells labeled with JC-1 (mitochondrial membrane potential probe - orange/green) and DRAQ7™ (blue) indicating cell health status / apoptosis.
The scatter plot shows how DRAQ7™ can easily distinguish between healthy and leaky / damaged / dead cell populations by flow cytometry.
Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting (FACS™)
The scatter plot shows how DRAQ7™ stained cells can easily be marked for removal in the "dump channel".
Uniquely, the far‐red viability probe DRAQ7™ can be used to label and “dump” unwanted damaged or dead cells without risk of side effects on the intact cells.
Cell-Cycle Analysis
The graph shows a cell cycle analysis of bone marrow cells stained with DRAQ5™. The plot shows "reference" resting T cells and infiltrating carcinoma cells.
As a live-cell permeant DNA probe, DRAQ5™ can be applied directly to complex samples such as blood or bone marrow, rapidly labelling the nucleated cells, as the last step before analysis and washing.
The image shows a live 24 hpf Danio embryo immobilised in CyGEL
CyGEL Sustain™ allows you to do high‐performance microscopy on motile objects and
recover them safely afterwards!
Get the Detail Here...
To help you, we’ve highlighted the major application areas where our products have been used most and why!
New techniques and applications appear all the time so please contact us if you can’t find what you’re looking for. You can also click on the table below to quickly find a BioStatus product to suit your application:

Less sample prep and cell loss. Better phenotyping, cell cycle and cell health assays. Compensation-free dead cell gating.
Increased assay throughput. Single-channel nucl:cyto segmentation and GFP-compatible counterstaining, live or fixed.
GFP-compatible, live or fixed, reliable and simple counterstaining. No queueing for UV-equipped microscopes!
In-Vitro Toxicology
Viability monitoring in flow cytometry 2-D, 3-D and tissues, in real-time or at end-point and enabling 4-colour imaging.
Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting (FACS™)
A ready-to-use, toxicity-tested membrane-impermeant viability probe for compensation-free dead cell dump-gating.
In-Cell Westerns™ (ICW™)
Reliable well-to-well cell number normalisation for protein expression measurement; wide instrument compatibility.
Real-time or end point cell viability monitoring; compatible with orange/red mitochondrial health probes; ready-to-use.
Cell Health
See how our validated ultra-low toxicity DRAQ7™ can be used in real-time, long-term cell health assays.
See how HypoxiTRAK™ can be used in preserving and reporting the cellular experience of hypoxic environments.
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Channel Selection Guide
Check out our handy channel selection guide to help you optimise using BioStatus products on your particular Flow Cytometer / Sorter
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