Imaging Based in vitro Toxicity Testing
Toxicity can be inferred from perturbations in high content screens observed as cell losses (cell death) or morphometric changes (e.g. cell or nuclear shape), based on the image analysis of nucl:cyto segmenting fluorescent counterstains DRAQ5™ or CyTRAK Orange™ in cell-based assays.
The far-red fluorescent viability probe DRAQ7™ can be utilized in live-cell assays to help establish levels of cellular toxicity, apoptosis induction and cell health usually combined with an “all cell” dye and/or with a mitochondrial membrane potential probe. With its ultra-low toxicity DRAQ7™ can be applied as a viability probe for real-time or long-term, low-dose exposure assays.
Recently, in vitro toxicity methods have been extended to model organisms as surrogates for human health risks, where CyGEL™ can be used to immobilize these motile objects for high-resolution imaging.
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Click on the orange headings to view the Application Notes
DRAQ5™ in Imaging Based in vitro Toxicity Testing
Far-red DNA counterstain, nucl:cyto segmentation in live- / fixed-end point assays.
VIEW PRODUCTDRAQ7™ in Imaging Based in vitro Toxicity Testing
Far-red fluorescing probe for apoptotic/dead cells in real-time cell health assays.
VIEW PRODUCTCyTRAK Orange™ in Imaging Based in vitro Toxicity Testing
Single-channel nucl:cyto segmentation in live- / fixed-end point assays.
VIEW PRODUCTCyGEL™ in Imaging Based in vitro Toxicity Testing
Convenient immobilization of motile organisms.